JOPI security and scalability will improve further. New Azure version supports Microsoft Entra ID and database encrypting as well as other Azure security features.
Purchasing of JOPI will be easier in future by means of Microsoft ISV-channel.
constant interruptions also affect safety
Another news item on the same topic states:
By improving the productivity of the construction industry, it would be possible to significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions and affect costs and schedules.
Solutions to improve productivity already exist. However, they have not been implemented due to conflicts of interest between different operators.
The construction industry is also plagued by general conservatism,
Do you know what NIS2 is and what it means and how it applies to your organization and how you manage information and maintenance documents?
The companies affected by the NIS2 directive are divided into companies doing business at very critical area, such as
and doing business at critical area such as
NIS2 - directive therefore affects most industries.And when taking into account, for example, GDPR's claims, which e.g. prohibit the distribution of personal data via e-mail. The traditional and very often used Excel, e-mail, social media application, etc. does not meet the NIS2 and GDPR directives. For example, sending hourly reports between an employee and a company via e-mail does not comply with the GDPR regulation. Also sending maintenance instructions, drawings and diagrams using a social media application, Whats App or similar, does not comply with the NIS2 directive.
JOPI is secure system to manage, find and share information (In JOPI, the information is encrypted if necessary and it is transmitted only within the application, not via e-mail or any social media application.)
Some companies are offering Whatsapp for defect reporting and are using it as channel between a company and a customer. Childish and insecure too. ('This is the easiest way to hijack your Whatsapp account, warns an expert', the article is currently only in Finnish) (watch the news article of YLE)
At least we can think about what servers and in what country are used for saving the information. Do we want that our defect information is hold by some one else? But at least we could analyze the process using a social media app as a working tool. The defects are done written using various types. The information is not typed and grouped which means that the meta data is only text written freely. This means that the defect data can't be analyzed and the company will not learn anything and the customer can't start using predictive maintenance and the company offereing Whatsapp as a critical too can't offer predictive maintenance. In practice, Whatsapp or a similar social media application is only a follower of telephone, text message and e-mail, so whats the point.
At its simplest, you can start using JOPI with JOPI's basic functions and the fault reporting module. A picture and video can be attached to the fault report (fault ticket).
All faults can be priorized which can be shown graphically using different colors or icons like traffic lights. (The colors and icons can be set on settings.)
With the device (registry) function, faults can be assigned to the device. When a work order is generated from the fault the assigned data is copied automatically (the copied information can be updated later if needed).
With the property (register) function, defects can be linked to the property. When a work order is generated from the fault the assigned data is copied automatically (the copied information can be updated later if needed).
The work management module can be used to generate a work order from the fault ticket.
All works can be priorized which can be shown graphically using different colors or icons like traffic lights. Workers can be defined to a work and a person responsible can be set too.
With the device (register) function, works can be linked to the device. (If there was a link already on fault ticket that information is copied to the work automatically.)
With Real estate (register) function works can be linked to the real estate. (If there was a link already on fault ticket that information is copied to the work automatically.)
Document register function enables linking documents to work which enables and quarantees that the workers have right instructions with in.
Document register enables document management, document browsing and their linking to work, fault tickets and device.
Documents can be on any format and they can be pictures, videos sheets, instructions like structural drawings, electrical diagrams, HVAC pictures, maintenance instructions.
Documents can be linked to work order which helps finding the documents of the work to be done.
Documents can be also urls to documents and videos residing somewhere else on the internet. base on the document classification they can be saved to different locations and users can be set to have different kind of rights to see and use them.
Documents can be groupped to groups like electrical drawings, structural drawings, assembly drawings etc.
Device register module enables management of device information.
Devices can be groupped by type like electrical, HVAC devices or like valves (such as control valve, non-return valve or poppet valve, ball valve), pump, container etc.
(If necessary we can assist on typing and grouping data, especially related to process industry and telecom.)
To the device data can be linked information of suppliers either directly or using a link to the supplier's system. This helps the worker as he/she will find right data without any searching.
Device register module together with document module enables linking documents to devices.
Together with Fault Historia module the company using Jopi-system can analyze which devices causes the faults and predict maintenance needs.
The hour recording module enables the reporting of working hours. Work and company management can view entries made by individuals by work or department. The reported hours can be exported and printed to Excel which can be sent by email or by whatsApp. The hour report can used as attachment of the invoices.
The items used reporting module enables the reporting of items. Work and company management can view entries made by individuals by work or department. The reported items can be exported and printed to Excel which can be sent by email or by whatsApp. The item report can be used as attachment of the invoices.
Real estate register enables management of real estates and their information.
Real estates can be groupped to real estate districts.
Together with document module documents can be linked real estates, such as location drawings, PI diagrams, electric drawins etc. Documents can be, for example, CAD images. Things to be corrected can also be easily marked in the documents.
Fault tickets and works can be linked to real estate.
Works can be linked to real estates.
Together with IoT module of JOPI the alarm data appear in the information.
Fault history information is generated automatically in JOPI based on fault and work data and the information entered by workers If the fault has a picture and a video they can be analyzed later on too.
Compared to manual processes like phone, email, WhatsApp using Jopi is a better alternative as JOPI stores the information to database where it can be found later on. Also the information recorderd is done more similar way.
With Reports module work and company management can monitor faults and work as well the work status, defect types graphically or in tabular form.
APIs (REST-API) quarentees efficient and easy integration with other systems.
Jopi has API functions both to retrieve data (Get) and to update and insert (Put/Post). The APIs support JSON, XML ja CSV and the usage of APIs.
In addition to APIs it is possible to import and export data to Jopi or from Jopi using traditional csv-format or Excel-format.
We are a company specialized in process plants, construction and maintenance work systems about 30 years. We are a healthy, solid and competent company partnering with other similar companies in Finland. We are a member of Microsoft ISV program too.
To our partner network belongs several IT-specialists and companies. We know IT and how to utilize it in business. We don't do things because of information technology. We don't talk IT jargon but plain simple language. We work and developed software to benefit our customer's business Our extensive experience in the operations of industry and maintenance guarantees that we understand the customer's (your) business. Our systems are developed using C# and SQL-Server.
By using JOPI the maintence work is more efficient, easier and safer as well as the results will be of better quality. The NIS2 directive and the GDPR regulation set requirements for data processing, With JOPI you will fullfil the orders of directive. With Social media apps you won't. Reactive maintenance and siloing of information and know-how lead to consequences according to the news below.
Our mission is to increase the efficiency of industry and society by developing and selling secure, easy-to-use and scalable information systems for maintenance work. Acting like mentioned on the example news articles, is not reasonable, but ineffective and causes unnecessary direct and indirect costs.
By using the JOPI system, the situations described above can be avoided. The organization development of maintenance activities means uniform, high-quality documentation of issues (defects and their repairs). and easy information finding and documentation available in every situation (by more than one person) and reliable prediction of faults. There won't be any predictice maintenance if the organization does not document defects, their causes and corrective measures in a uniform and clear manner.
Our experts
CEO & Founder, Jopi development
Tapani has experience in mechanics, process and energy industry as well as information technology and databases in different business areas for almost 40 years. Tapani has worked in companies such like current Fortum (former Imatran Voima), UPM and Metsä Serla and in Telecom companies and in the biggest banks in Finland.
Marketing, sales and testing
Olli has almost 40 years of experience in automation, computers and data networks, e.g. From Tandem, Compaq and 724-solutions. Olli has worked with Vodaphone and Swissscom IN UK and Switzerland.
Marketing, sales and testing
Jarmo has long experience in information technology and telecommunication networks. Jarmo has worked several years in Nokia.
Marketing and sales
Maarit has long experience in information technology and telecommunication networks. She has worked in Nokia and Telia.
Choose an option for your needs
These are just examples. Don't hesitate to contact us, we will gladly tailor an option which suits your needs.
In case of more users or an option containing all Jopi modules we will give an offer.